Monday, August 26, 2013

The Trip... Part 2!

Now to part 2!
(For the record, I am omitting LOTS of great details! There's just so much to tell and I don't want to get too overly boring!)

Day 2-
We started the day off with breakfast. It was quite tasty (especially to me since my normal breakfast is 1 cup of rice chex and 1/2 cup of milk)! We took the bus and toured Edinburgh. We went to the Royal Mile. (I just like saying that. LOL) We then went to see the Royal Yacht Britannia. While the yacht itself was nice, I wasn't overly fond of the "tour" which included carrying around what looked like a huge phone and having to push in numbers for the area you were at. (Plus it told lots of info I wasn't overly interested in.) But! The fudge was tasty! ;o) So it wasn't a wasted stop!

After the Yacht, we were given free roam of Edinburgh. (Of course it rained!) The buildings were beautiful and impressive. We stopped at lots of shops. We had lunch and roamed and shopped some more. Eventually making our way back to where Peter would pick us up.

Overall, Edinburgh was impressive but not entirely my cup of tea!

Day 3-
This was a really awesome day! LOVED this day! Definitely my favorite day in Scotland. We went to Pitlochry to visit the Blair Athol Distillery (to see how whiskey is made). That was extremely interesting and the "wee dram" we got at the end wasn't bad either! ;o) I really did enjoy hearing how it was made!
After the Distillery, we sobered up (bwahahaha!) and drove through some absolutely gorgeous Highland scenery to see the sheep herding dogs! The dogs were absolutely amazing!! They each respond to different whistles, know what each whistle means, and they are very awesome to watch in action! The sheep were so beautiful too! And just the scenery itself was breathtaking! This was absolutely one of my favorite parts of the whole trip!
This was the trainer, Mr. Ross.

This is the absolutely gorgeous scenery at Leault Farm. I'm not sure there is a word to accurately describe the scenery!!!
After we left there (so sad because I loved it there!) we went to our hotel which was beside River Ness. Lovely view from the hotel! And that evening we went to dinner and enjoyed a ceilidh (musical evening). There was a lovely show with Scottish bagpipes and dancers! Very neat!
Day 4-
Ah, this was a disappointing day. We drove alongside Loch Ness. I was so sure I would see Nessie that day! Apparently Nessie had the day off however. So no Loch Ness Monster photos for me. *sigh* But the views were stunning so I wasn't TOO sad... ;o)
We also went to the Clan Donald Centre at Armadale Castle. It was beautiful. The gardens were amazing! Another amazing place in Scotland!
I thought the castle was stunning! I can only imagine what it looked like when it was first built. I'm certain it was nothing short of amazing!
Oh yes... Did I mention is rained practically the whole time we toured there? ;o)

Now after we toured the castle, we took the ferry back to the mainland. We went through more gorgeous scenery (and I swear, it never got old!).
Another one of my most memorable moments was seeing the "Hogwarts Express"... Woot woot! I admit, I'm a geek. I also admit that my photos of it didn't turn out amazing but hey, I know what it is! ;o) And I was quite pleased no matter what! (Plus I bought a couple of postcards that show it much more clearly!)

Ok, this is enough for part 2! Forgive my randomness! (You were warned!) ;o)
Ramblings... to be continued... :o)

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