Friday, January 9, 2015

The World's Worst...

Ha. So I am the world's worst at blogging! I really should have finished describing my trip to Scotland/ Ireland! It now all feels like a distant dream... *sigh*

Oh well! Randomness at it's finest, right? ;)

So, there's a LOT going on in my brain these days. I don't really have someone to "talk" to about it all so I'll just spout it all here and see if that helps me organize thoughts!

First off, I made a goal (NOT to be confused with resolutions which I always break!) to be nicer this year. Now, I'm not the meanest person I know. But I could definitely be nicer. So I plan to work on that. Tone down my sarcasm (even the sarcasm in my head!) and try to say more nice things than anything.
 Also, I'm going to attempt to avoid negativity from others. When people are rude/ hurtful/ or overall negative about or toward me, I'm going to try to just ignore it and hopefully by not engaging in it myself, I can mentally avoid it. This way, maybe I'll be able to stick to my goal of being "nicer" this year!

With this being said, I do need to state that I'm really tired of rude people. I'm sick of people saying things that make me feel worthless and/ or stupid. But, I am a big girl so I need to learn to deal with it better. Instead of letting it hurt my feelings... crying about it... letting it get to me, I need to focus on the positive!

 So, to focus on the positive... I'm making a scarf. Well, I'm actually finishing what I started last year! I'm also decluttering (which I am finding I really enjoy!) and cleaning (also kind of fun when I'm not being told I HAVE to clean, LOL!). I'm reading my Bible daily (doing the 365 day plan- thank you smart phone!) and trying to be an overall better person. Hey, I'm a work in progress! ;o)

 So that's kind of my random babblings at the moment! Be nicer. Don't be so sensitive. Focus on the positive. Be productive!

 And hey, maybe I'll blog again soon! :oD

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