Friday, July 19, 2013

Epic Trip With my Bestie: 1 WEEK!!!!

   One week (Yes, 1 WEEK!!!!) away!!!

   One week from today, at this time I will be frantically shoving things in my bag! I'm sure I'll have packed and unpacked and repacked multiple times. (That's how I roll.) Mentally, I am so organized. But the reality is... I am disorganized, crazy, and extremely scatterbrained. So I'll make a list. Check it twice. Pack. Forget what's where. Change my mind about what I want to take. Unpack. Make a new list. Repack.... And repeat. Fast-forward to Friday afternoon at 3:35 where I will be frantically tossing everything but the kitchen sink into an overstuffed and disorganized bag. (Wait! Maybe I should also pack the kitchen sink!) Oh boy, my sweet Bestie is in for a treat! ;o)

   As you may be able to guess, I am SO beyond excited! I am worse than a kid in a candy store!!! (You know, the overwhelmed kid that has no idea which candy to go for first... stands there with that "look" on her face... and the candy store closes before she ever decides what she wants.... Yep, that's me! Wait, what? Am I saying that with all my excitement, I'll end up missing my trip?? Hmm.. Maybe I should rethink my description.)

   So today, I set out to make my "official" check-list. I know I'll forget something... But hopefully nothing important (like my undies!!!) ;o) So I went to get out the pen and paper. And then I started a load of laundry. Then I needed a drink. Then I had to make a doctor's appointment. Then I had to turn on some music.... And still no paper and pen!!! All I can think of is "Dang, I need a York peppermint patty."

   How can I possibly procrastinate at this point?! ...Pretty easily it seems. Because now I'm here blogging about my procrastination... Which is yet another procrastination tactic.

   I did talk to my Bestie on the phone earlier. That always jazzes me up even more!!! I just hope poor Amy doesn't regret taking me! I mean, 15 days with this crazy (recovering peanut butter addict) chick... She may feed me to the Loch Ness monster or something!!!

   Anyways, I should be making a list. I love making lists! But since I've never gone on such an epic vacation in my life, I feel like this list making thing should be a grand ordeal. I need special paper! And my glitter pen! (I mean, such an epic trip deserves more than the back of a Wal-Mart receipt and a half-dried up pen!) So maybe I should go buy special paper? Well, maybe that's going a bit far. ;o)

   So tomorrow, I am going shopping with my mother-in-law. I'm excited about that! I still need to get some new socks! And a jacket. And pajamas! And a sweater of some sort to wear with my dress. And make-up. OMGosh! I need a shopping list too!

   I can not believe that in 1 long, short week I will be heading off to spend over 2 weeks with my Bestie!! Having a ton of "firsts"!!!

   All I can say is WAHOOOO!!!! Now I'm off to get that paper and pen (and a York peppermint patty)! I have a list (or 2!!!) to make!!!


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