Thursday, July 18, 2013

Epic Trip with my Bestie: The (Brief) Background Story

  I decided it would be fun to blog about my journey... I should have started this back when it began (from the invitation!) but... I didn't. So we'll play "catch up" now.

   I admit, when she first invited me, I was certain it was a joke. I mean, Ireland?! Come on! I barely leave my own state. After a phone conversation and confirmation that the invitation was real, my brain immediately started making excuses as to why I should say no. (Kids! Money! My house! Flying! Leaving! You name it, that thought crossed my mind.) What a lame brain!

   I said no. I said yes. I said maybe. I said I dunno. I said all sorts of things. "I have kids! How can I fly off into the sunset and leave my kids? (And my husband!!)" "How can I pass up this once in a lifetime trip??"  How can I even think of saying yes?" "How can I possibly say no?" You see my problem? I had excuses for every angle.

    After much discussing and debating... I finally realized how insane I would have to be to pass up such an amazing trip with my BESTIE! Epic trip with an epic person? Was I crazy?? So I finally got my brain on right and said I would love to go!

   Now don't get me wrong, I STILL have moments where I flip out and think "What the heck was I thinking, agreeing to this???" But thankfully, my sanity returns and I get all giddy and excited and it's all good again. ;o)

   So that brings me to the preparations!
   Once things were set in motion, I realized I had enough clothes for ... well, a 2 day journey at the most! I had 1 pair of jeans and a few shirts. Losing 77 pounds does have some drawbacks apparently! LOL

   So Bestie says "Don't worry! We'll get you clothes." Hahaha... I forgot to tell her I am a horrible shopper. Really. So I should probably skip over the whole shopping experience. Let's just say I think Amy would rather get a root canal than take me shopping again. (Sorry Amy! I really AM working on my shopping skills! If you ever shop with me again, you'll see!) I did pick out some really cute capris and a few shirts that day. But I admit, I didn't make it easy for Amy.

   Since that day, I have picked up some more jeans at various places (some really cute ones!) and a few more shirts. A dress (or two!) that may or may not get packed. And shoes! (And yes, I did more than pick them up. I actually purchased them as well!) I'm pretty well all set for the trip now, as far as clothes go. I just need a few random things (like socks! and a pair of pj's!)

  So with all of this rambling, I just want to say how EXCITED I am to be going on a 15 day trip to Scotland and Ireland with my BESTIE!! I know we're going to have one heck of an amazing time!!

   Now I know I left out LOTS of great details but... I really need to get on to the current leg of my journey!... Packing!

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