Friday, July 26, 2013

Epic Trip With My Bestie: It's HERE!!!

   Ok, I was exhausted last night so didn't get to update. So I'm going to type fast this morning...

   Yesterday is a blur! I was so incredibly wired! I found all the things I had left to pack. (At least I hope I did!)

   I started off cleaning out all unidentifiable objects from the fridge. Since I'll be gone, I thought it would be nice to give the guys some extra space to store the take-out. Haha! Actually, I cleaned it out so I could actually have room to grocery shop for them. Which was the next stop!

   I admit, I zoomed around the grocery store like a mad-woman. I have no earthly idea what all I got but I'm sure it wasn't vegetables. *sigh* I'll have to double up on healthy stuff when I get back!

   Anyways, I came home and packed some more. Ate candy. (Got a major sugar rush!) Talked to a friend while balancing the check book while writing down addresses.... There is no telling what I said! (Hopefully I didn't disclose the tiny number left in the bank account!) ;o)

   Up next, BACK to town for the stupid batteries that my mind kept blocking out! Plus a few other random things (gallon bags! I ran out!) It seemed that everyone there was in slow motion... and wanted to talk. Finally made it out of there! Came home.... did a few more things (showered, shaved, soaked my exhausted feet, tucked my sweeties if for the last time for over 2 weeks....)

   This brings you up to speed! Lots of random insanity!

   I can't believe TODAY is the day! (Well, sort of!)
   This afternoon I'll be loaded up and taken to Memphis. I am a mixture of emotions right now. Happy. Excited. Nervous. Thrilled. Scared. Hungry. (Wait, hungry isn't an emotion. haha!) I feel a bit sappy thinking of leaving today. But I am so thrilled to have such an awesome opportunity to travel overseas with my Bestie! (Don't worry Amy! I'll try to have my emotions all worked out before I get there tonight! LOL)

   So this is it! I would like to say I'll keep this updated while I'm gone. But who knows? I'm taking my journal so I can write down all the things I'll want to share when I get home. So even if I can't update, you'll still get the details. (Just have to wait for them!)

  Ok, I'm off to wake up my sweet Nic so I can spend this time with him and Nate!

If you hear any random loud noises... yes, that's me. Squealing with excitement! Just like a 2 year old! ;o)

Did I mention I'm going to SCOTLAND and IRELAND???? WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

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