Monday, July 22, 2013

Epic Trip With My Bestie: Last Minute Shopping! (Part I)

   Ok, time to catch up once again.

   On Saturday, my sweet MIL and I went shopping. The GOAL was to get the last few things I needed. We set out at 9:30am (which was VERY good for us both and I was quite pleased that we actually made it out the door that early!). After making a few random stops for non-shopping related errands, we made it to our first shopping destination!

   First stop, Kohl's. I haven't been inside Kohl's in years. Wow! There's a reason why! Lots and lots and lots of gorgeous clothes!!! We browsed and looked and then MIL (who I shall just refer to as Mom from this point on) says "This would look perfect on you. You HAVE to try this on!" The item was a dress. I mentally reviewed my 'list' at this point and did not find "dress" listed... But it WAS on sale and it WAS gorgeous... So... The dress was the first of MANY "must try on" items. I found a gorgeous shirt. And another. And another. Finally, I came to my senses and realized that I had an armload of items that weren't on my list! Yikes. Time to narrow this down. So off to the dressing room I went.

   Item number one. Black shirt. Ick! Looked MUCH better on the hanger. Next. A gorgeous shirt that someone had traded the under shirt (excuse my lack of proper fashion terms!) out with... leaving me with extra small! Haha!!! Next! A gorgeous orange beaded shirt that once on me, resembled a gorgeous beaded tent! Next!! A really pretty flowy shirt. And it FIT. And looked pretty! Ok, I could use another shirt. A few more random items and finally THE dress. Now I have to say, I fell in love with the dress on the hanger. It was something I would never have picked out for myself before I lost weight. I slipped that gorgeous thing on and I knew then that the dress and I were meant to me. I opened the dressing room door and a lady going to the next room backed up and commented on how lovely that dress looked on me. I showed Mom and she informed me it was a definite must. The rest of my time in Kohl's was a blur. I was just thrilled with my beautiful dress so anything else wouldn't compare... All in all, I ended up walking out of the store with 2 gorgeous dresses, 2 lovely shirts, and a nice black sweater (to wear with my dresses).

 Wait! What? Ok, shirts were on my list. But where did this other stuff come from? In my shopping haze, I let my list slip through my mind. I didn't even look for pajamas, socks, a belt, or a jacket. Mom is quite the influential shopping partner! Well, I would do better at the next place!

   Next stop? Lunch! Whoops. I had a chocolate milkshake and fries. Can we say healthy choices? Hahaha!! Ok. I had shopped a long time and I needed a junky refill. (At least my shake was sugar and fat free! That says something for me doesn't it?)

   So after refueling, it was time to shop til we dropped! Time to hit the mall!!!

   Mom says "Ok, where do you want to start? Where is your favorite store?" Uhm... Was that crickets I heard? I very rarely go to the mall and when I do go, it's to Target, Game Stop, and Hot Topic. I told her I really had no idea where to start and she led the way. We hit store after store after store. Some we simply walked in and out of. Others we took time and searched every corner. I did quite well. I refrained from making impulse choices. (I totally could have but I had that list more firmly planted in my mind this round.) And I did really well until Versona. Never had I stepped foot in that store before Saturday. Ahhhh.... It was awesome! Lots of gorgeous clothes with beautiful jewelry to match! I tried on yet another ton of clothes. (I also managed to get myself locked out of my dressing room which I admit was quite embarrassing... but the lady that unlocked it said it happens multiple times every day. Hmm.. so I'm just one of many I guess.) In the end, I came out with a too beautiful to pass up pink top. Oh, and some gorgeous bracelets to match it. I didn't even realize when I paid for it but the top was on sale and while it was already a good price, with the sale it was a great price! Score!

   Mom looked at her watch at this point and it was after 5pm! What?!?!? Where did the time go? It didn't feel like it was that late! Wow. So we shopped a bit longer not really finding much. I'm thinking that once we realized how late it was, we also realized how tired we were. So we dragged ourselves back to the car.

   I hopped in and started reviewing that list. Uhm... uh oh. I didn't get to mark anything except shirts off the list. Which meant... I had to go shopping again!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG you have learned to shop!!! Spending all day and not buying a lot, now that is shopping!
I want to see a picture of you in that dress!!!
Love your blog and hope you take the time to keep it updated.
Enjoy every moment of your trip.
Remember they have stores, even in Ireland! So if you forget something it's not the end of the world!
Love you